NICHOLAS Robin, SAUNDERS Patricia Arial Typeface (1982)
BOUDVIN Simon Un Nouveau Musée (2019)
HOVESTADT Ludger On Digital Architecture In Ten Books (2023)
UNKNOWN Comlongon Castle (1500)
OLGIATI Valerio EPFL Rolex Learning Center (2006)
VERMEER Johannes Het Straatje (1658)
KIKUTAKE Kiyonori Sky House (1958)
SOUTO DE MOURA Edouardo Casa En Alcanena (1992)
HASEGAWA Go House In A Forest (2006)
JAFFE Norman Becker House (1969)
LOFTSPACE, SOUSA Tiago The Market (2023)
ROSSI Aldo Loris Foundry (1964)
KULKA Peter, KONIGS Urich Sport Athletic Stadium (1996)
ZANUSO Marco Case Di Vacanze (1962)
ROCHE Kevin Federal Reserve Bank Of New York (1969)
TOMIYASU Hayahisa TTP (2016)
UNKNOWN Fertőrákos Stone Quarry (1934)
MAIER Vivian Self-Portrait (1955)
UNKNOWN A Page From The Shahnam (1535)
CASAS Ramon Dona Rera Persiana (1890)
LABORATORIO PERMANENTE, OMA, RAHM Philippe Agenti Climatici (2019)
TARKOVSKI Andrei Nostalghia (1983)
TYPE STUDIO Redhill Barn (2019)
FRIBERG Per Villa Böckman (1978)
CARAVAGGIO Medusa (1597)
NASA A Year In The Life Of Earth’s CO2 (2014)
MCGLASHAN David Fern Tree House (1969)
KUMA Taichi Sankaku Sauna (2021)
BOLLES+WILSON Suzuki House (1993)
ZUMTHOR Peter Wohnturm Casti (1970)
MURAKAMI Haruki Pain (2009)
NASA Gnomon (1969)
KLEE Paul Diagram Of The Organization Of The Bauhaus (1928)
BOTTICELLI Sandro The Birth Of Venus (1485)
WRIGHT Frank Lloyd Snowflake House For Carlton D. Wall (1941)
SAUVAGE Henry Appartements Rue Des Amiraux (1925)
LOOS Adolf Maison De Tristan Tzara (1929)
DONNADIEU Brigitte L’Apprentissage Du Regard (2002)
MAKART Hans Die Fünf Sinne (1879)
OMA Dutch Parliament Extension (1978)
VERTOV Dziga I’m An Eye (1923)
TYNG Anne, KAHN Louis Trenton Bath House (1955)
BAYER Herbert, GROPIUS Walter Isometrie Des Direktorenzimmers Im Bauhaus Weimar (1923)
REICH Lilly, VAN DER ROHE Ludwig Mies Barcelona Pavilion (1929)
BECHER Bernd, BECHER Hilla Gravel Plants (2006)
SAPIENS ARCHITECTES Sous-Elevation d’Un Pavillon Ordinaire (2018)
BRANDLHUBER Arno, DAHLINGER Matthias, HOLTZ Stefan, SEELINGER Caspar Arbeitsraum (1992)
CAMUS Albert Citation (1938)
CHATONSKY Gregory Politics Of Latent Space (2024)
MINARD Charles-Joseph Carte Figurative Et Approximative Du Mouvement Des Combustibles Minéraux Sur Les Voies D’Eau Et De Fer De L’Empire Français Pendant L’Année 1856 (1858)
MENARD Raphaël Frise De L’Energie (2024)
RAHM Philippe Mergoscia House (2008)
DUVIGNEAUD Paul Ecosystème Bruxelles (1977)
PIKIONIS Dimitris St. Dimitrios Loumbardiaris Church (1951)
QUINTON Jean-Christophe 8 Logements Rue Jean-Bart (2020)
BÜRO HACKE Hinterhaus 6×9 (2024)
HIGUCHI Sumusu Farmers Houses On A Plain (1950)
SHINOHARA Kazuo House In A Curved Road (1969)
BAST M23 Extension Thermique Et Réhabilitation (2020)
GARY Romain La Vie Devant Soi (1975)
BC ARCHITECTS Woodstock (2019)
AGEMA Jan, SPAARGAREN Frank Oosterscheldekering (1986)
NASA Sunset On Mars (2005)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean-Philippe Transformation De 530 Logements (2017)
EKMAN Paul Pictures Of Facial Affect (1976)
UNGERS Oswald Mathias, RIEMANN Peter, KOOLHAAS Rem, KOLHOFF Hans, OVASKA Arthur Berlin: A Green Archipelago (1977)
QUINTON Jean-Chritophe Citation (2018)
PLAN COMÙN Maison Communale (2023)
LEWERENTZ Sigurd Flower Shop (1969)
BOLLINGER+GROHMANN Three-Dimensional Topology Optimisation (2023)
POIAN Luca Brick Scherk Surface (2016)
DYRENDAHL STAVEN Pia Transformation Of A Single-Family House (2024)
STOCHHOLM KRAG Mo Michelsen Section Of The Grocery Store In Vestervig (2011)
TROMBE Felix Mont-Louis Solar Furnace (1953)
KOOLHAAS Rem, VRIESENDORP Madelon The City Of The Captive Globe (1972)
THIBAULT Pierre Les Abouts (2005)
PERRAULT Octave, ZEROTH The Perpetual Climate Glass Pavilion (2024)
MATERIAL CULTURES Material Reform : Building For A Post-Carbon Future (2022)
LADERMAN UKELES Mierle Manifesto For Maintenance Art (1969)
MONEO Raphael National Museum Of Roman Art (1986)
EXNER Inger, EXNER Johannes Johs. Christensens Hus (1971)
CAILLEY Thomas Le Règne Animal (2023)
BARTHES Roland Le Texte (1974)
OMA, AMO Roadmap 2050 : A Practical Guide To A Prosperous, Low Carbon Europe (2010)
ARRHOV FRICK Nacka Housing (2018)
YOUNG Liam The Great Endeavor (2023)
PROUVÉ Jean Maison À Nancy (1954)
COMTE MEUWLY House For Almost Everything (2023)
CLANCY MOORE Albany Road House (2022)
CORAY Richard Falsework For The Wiesner Viaduct (1908)
ISAACS Ken How To Build Your Own Living Structures (1974)
W.KENNIHAN Ryan Beach Road House (2019)
ARCH+, BRANDLHUBER Arno, ENGEL Ludwig, GRAWERT Olaf Architecture Business (2023)
OFFICE KGDVS City Villa (2012)
MUNARI Bruno Forma Coerente Nata Da Una Struttura Rettangolare (1968)
CAPUTO Andrea, KOIVU Anniina U-Joints : A Taxonomie Of Connections (2022)
SOLTNER Dominique L’Efficacité Des Brise-Vent Dépend De Leur Perméabilité (1973)
BASSINET TURQUIN PAYSAGE Liaison Plateau Vallée (2022)
KOLLHOFF & POLS ARCHITECTEN Piraeus Housing (1994)
BEAUDELAIRE Charles Le Reniement De Saint-Pierre (1857)
TAKK The Day After House (2021)
CAMUS Albert Citation (1938)
DUPIEUX Quentin Yannick (2023)
CAMUS Albert Le Mythe De Sisyphe (1942)
MIGEON Anouk, MIGEON Martin Extension And Reconversion Of An Old Farm (2022)
CHEVALIER MASSON Outdoor Curtain For A Sport Center (2015)
OFFICE KGDVS After The Party (2014)
MURCUTT Glenn Marika-Alderton House (1994)
STEIN Yassine Citation (2022)
HESS Wilhelm Jakob Color Scheme For An Interior In A Junker’s Estate Appartement Building (1932)
LABORATOIRE Roserai Gesthouse (2022)
GURSKY Andreas Chicago Board Of Trade II (1999)
NASA, DESCLOITRE Jacques Low Pressure System Over Iceland (2003)
ELIASSON Olafur The Weather Project (2003)
TRIET Justine Anatomie D’une Chute (2023)
HOPKINS Michael, HOPKINS Patty Hopkins House (1976)
BALZAC Jean Jacques One Meter Above The Water (2024)
CHIPPERFIELD David Jane Street (2021)
BAROCCO WRIGHT Architects Outbuilding with Deep Garden (2022)
STEADMAN Philip Vermeer’s Camera (2001)
ZENGHELIS Zoe, ZENGHELIS Elia Hotel Sphinx In New York (1975)
ASPLUND Gundar Stockholm Public Library (1928)
EITEL Tim Plattform (2003)
MALAPERT Etienne The City Of Possibilities (2015)
KEREZ Christian Multistory Parking (2022)
DEMAND Thomas Kontrollraum (2011)
BRATTON Benjamin After Alignment: Orienting Synthetic Intelligence Beyong Human Reflection (2023)
MAGRITTE René Le Mois Des Vendanges (1959)
JESPEREN NØDTVEDT Garden Shed (2021)
VAN DER ROHE Ludwig Mies Brick Country House (1923)
KRONENTAL Laurent Souvenir D’un Futur (2015)
PIOVENEFABI Full Moon Pavilion (2022)
BRUTHER Le Soleil Rouge (2023)
TILL Jeremy From Object Of Austerity To Process Of Scarcity (2012)
GOWAN James Section Through House With Mechanical Services (1978)
RAMS Dieter Braun Hi-Fi Wall Units System (1965)
HUE Edouard, Beaver Dam Compagny Dive (2023)
MARTINS Edgar The Poetic Impossibility To Manage The Infinite (2014)
MULLER VAN SEVEREN Puzzle Illustration (2021)
MATHIEU Geoffroy Une Autre Histoire – Etang De Berre (2021)
SENNEFER Sennefer Garden (-1423)
BOSCH Theo, VAN EYCK Aldo Het Pentagone (1983)
FISKER KAY Hornbaekhus (1922)
VAN EYCK Aldo Sonsbeek Pavillion (1966)
CANEPA Bruna Apartamento De 1 Km (2017)
GAY MENZEL Villa Vicarini (2020)
LUETJENS PADMANABHAN Kanzleistrasse 95 (2021)
ASPLUND Hans Eslöv Civic Hall (1957)
GALFETTI Aurelio, VACCHINI Livio Losone Secondary School (1975)
EXPERIENCE, CHADNEY Tristan, ESMILAIRE Laurent, LAPIERRE Éric Logistique Décarbonnée (2021)
BUSSAT Pierre, LAMUNIERE Jean-Marc Tour Edipresse (1964)
SMITH Landry Mies Van Der Rohe And The Universal Space Project (2022)
FRIBERG Per Sommarhus (1960)
DIDEROT Denis, GOUSSIER Louis-Jacques, BÉNARD Robert Pendule d’Equation De Le Bon (1765)
COPERNICUS Nicholas De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (1543)
SMITH Landry The Divine House (2021)
EAMES Charles US2649136A Furniture Shock Mount Construction Patent (1947)
KLAPISCH Cédric In Transit (1986)
CELINE Louis-Ferdinand Voyage Au Bout De La Nuit (1932)
FORMENTI Carlo La Pratica Del Fabbricare (1893)
SCHMIED François-Louis Les climats d’Anna de Noailles (1924)
POINT SUPREME Nadja, A family Apartment (2014)
BOVENBOUW Renovation of a Row House (2019)
UTZON Jørn Fredensborghusene (1963)
CAMUS Albert Speech At The Nobel Banquet (1957)
BREL Jacques Madeleine (1962)
PAWSON John Home Farm (2019)
MATERIAL CULTURES Carbon Copies (2021)
SOANE John Bank of England (1833)
CAMUS Albert L’Etranger (1942)
ARBUS Diane Self-Portrait, Pregnant, N.Y.C (1945)
NIELSEN JENKINS, LUMBY Michael Merrick Farmhouse (2023)
UTZON Jørn Can Lis (1972)
DE VYLDER Jan, TAILLEU Jo, VINK Inge House 43 (2005)
Chair Of Affective Architectures 11 Points (2022)
ALLEN Matthew Quote (2023)
Aillaud Emile La Grande Borne (1971)
LOUIS Edouard Citation (2021)
BOMAN Food Market (2019)
The Beatles Nowhere Man (1965)
ORWELL George Politics And The English Language (1946)
HYPER Super 18 (2022)
HUGO Victor Ceci Tuera Cela (1832)
DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY Antoine Le Petit Prince (1943)
JACOBSEN Arne Jespersen & Son Office (1955)
DESCHENAUX Valentin Bel Air (2021)
FISCHER & NAUMANN Partrnerschaft Showroom in Pfalz (2003)
BRAD SWARTZ Architects Laneway Glass House (2021)
BROWN Neave Alexandra Road Estate (1978)
DORVAL-BORY Nicolas Rue d’Athènes (2021)
ITTEN BRECHBHÜL Hegenheimerstrasse (2020)
FOUCAULT Michel Le Discours (1969)
TALEB Nassim Nicolas Antifragile (2012)
DE GRAAF Reinier, BORASI Giovanna, ZARDINI Mirko The Founding Of AMO (2015)
PERRET Auguste L’architecte Est-Il Un Artiste ? (1933)
COULOMB Charles Augustin Essai Sur Une Application Des Règles De Maximis Et Minimis À Quelques Problèmes De Statique (1773)
ALEXANDER Christopher, EISENMAN Peter Contrasting Concepts of Harmony in Architecture (1982)
SAILER Gregor The Potemkin Village (2017)
OCEAN Frank Pink Matter (2012)
SHINOHARA Kazuo House Under High Voltages Lines (1981)
CLANCY MOORE Ailesbury (2017)
BRAND Stewart Whole Earth Catalog (1968)
JKLN Blvd Auriol (2021)
FALA Manifesto (2019)
EIERMANN Egon Olivetti Building (1972)
DHONT Erik Uccle (2015)
BANCHINI Leopold Moon Ra Pavilion (2021)
SMITHSON Alison, SMITHSON Peter Upper Lawn Pavilion (1962)
LEMOINE Blake Is LaMDA Sentient? An Interview (2022)
HANSEN Hans Christian Amager Koblingsstati (1968)
LAPLACE Pierre-Simon Laplace’s Demon (1814)
VENTURI Robert Fire Station 4 (1968)
LAVRUT Guillaume Jardin Des Tuileries (2021)
YPYÄ Martta, YPYÄ Ragnar Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 23-25 (1954)
COPPOLA Sofia Lost In Translation (2003)
LUCAN Jacques Habiter: Villes et Architecture (2021)
GROSFILLEX Garden Chair (1983)
CHIPPERFIELD David, CALQ Morland Mixité Capitale (2022)
WITT Andrew Formulations : Architecture, Mathematics, Culture (2022)
OMA Taipei Performing Art Center (2022)
NIKKEN SEKKEI Advertisement (2018)
CASSINI Cesar François, MARALDI Jean Dominique Nouvelle Carte Qui Comprend Les Principaux Triangles Qui Servent De Fondement À La Description Géométrique De La France (1744)
SUPERPOZE, CUSSATO Valentin Interview (2022)
KÉRÉ Diébédo Francis Construire La Communauté : De Nouvelles Traditions (2018)
BRU Stéphanie, DÉMIANS Anne, LAPIERRE Éric, NAPOLITANO Umberto, RAMBERT Francis Quel Futur Pour l’Architecture ? Économie De Moyens Versus Nouvelle Économie (2020)
DAFT PUNK Homework (1997)
HUGO Victor Tenter (1862)
FARNWORTH Edith The Farnworth House (1953)
MALRAUX André Citation (1939)
CHEMETOV Paul Citation (2019)
NORTH WHITEHEAD Alfred How Civilization Advances (1911)
LECUN Yann Convolutional Network Demo (1993)
SERRES Michel Circle Of Circles (2003)
HARING Keith Tuttomondo (1989)
MBOUGAR SARR Mohamed La Plus Secrète Mémoire Des Hommes (2021)
VIRILIO Paul Causality Of Technical Progress (1999)
HOVESTADT Ludger Cogito (2020)
SIMONDON Gilbert Définir L’Objet Technique (1967)
BEAUDOUIN Eugène, LODS Marcel, BODIANSKY Vladimir, PROUVÉ Jean Maison Du Peuple De Clichy (1939)
HUGHES Eric A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto (1993)
KACZYNSKI Ted Unabomber Manifesto: Industrial Society And Its Future (1995)
GARNIER Charles Opéra Garnier (1875)
KONDO Hiroshi The Others (2016)
DELALEX Gilles Entre Structure Et Anarchie (2021)
BLOUIN Patrice Apollo Minor (2021)
DELALEX Gilles Go With The Flow: Architecture, Infrastructure And The Everyday Experience Of Mobility (2006)
TROUVELOT Etienne Leopold Total Eclipse Of The Sun (1881)
FUKUYAMA Francis The End Of History (1989)
FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE Conflict Shorelines (2019)
BAS SMETS Pearling Pathway (2019)
TERRAGNI Giuseppe Casa Del Fascio (1936)
MEADOWS Donella H., MEADOWS Dennis L., RANDERS Jørgen, BEHRENS III William W. The World Model (1972)
BELL Charles The Hand Mechanism (1834)
LOUIS Edouard Changer : Méthode (2021)
WHEELER John Archibald Space & Matter (2000)
DI PIETRO AVERLINO Antonio Drawing (1465)
UNKNOWN Poulnabrone’s Dolmen (-3000)
NASA, JAXA M1.7-Class Solar Flare (2012)
MOS Office Statement (2021)
FEIGL Herbert The Structure Of Scientific Theories In Logical Empiricism (1970)
BORNSTEIN LYCKEFORS Arkitekter Granholmen (2017)
WEIWEI Ai Quote (2017)
DAMSO Quote (2018)
LOUIS Edouard En Finir Avec Eddy Bellegueule (2014)
SHAFRIR Tamar Truth (2021)
LATOUR Bruno Paris Invisible: Le Plasma (2006)
ROGERS Richard, STIRK Graham, HARBOUR Ivan The Lloyd’s Building (1986)
MOCANU Alexandra N33 Tapestry (2019)
BENTHEM CROUWEL Architects House De Fantasie (1984)
DÖLLGAST Hans Old Pinakothek (1957)
BAST M29 (2021)
MERLEAU-PONTY Maurice Citation (1945)
SAMARAS Ken Quote (2019)
MARKOV Andrey Markov Chain (1906)
KASNER Edward Googol (1940)
WILLIKENS Ben Raum 63 (1996)
PERRAUDIN Gilles, JOURDA Françoise-Hèlene Chalet En Haute-Savoie (2000)
DOUGLAS David Fires Of Kuwait (1995)
MONADNOCK Landmark (2015)
MORLINGHAUS Christoph Superlatives (2018)
BASQUIAT Jean-Michel Dos Cabezas (1982)
NEGROPONTE Nicholas Bits And Atoms (1995)
UNKNOWN Second Frejus’s Tunnel (2019)
MOS Software n°8: Grid (2010)
SUTHERLAND Ivan Sketchpad (1963)
HASANI Florim Drawing (2014)
GURSKY Andras Barhain I (2005)
BOYLE Danny Trance (2013)
VIAN Boris Tout A Été Dit Cent Fois (1962)
BRANDLHUBER Ninikowo (2020)
WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Quote (1921)
MARINCIC Nikola Extraction Of The Concept Of An Image (2015)
SMITH Dana John Travolta and Kelly Preston’s House (1962)
LEVI-STRAUSS Claude Fragment From The Savage Mind (1966)
MEREDITH Michael, SAMPLE Hilary After The End (2003)
HEGEN Tom Airports (2020)
GIONO Jean Le Hêtre (1947)
MEREDITH Michael Post-Medium-Specific-Architecture (2013)
NAN Rendong Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (2020)
MOS Office Policies (2016)
COMTE Adrien, Meuwly Adrien Image : Ordinary Luxury (2020)
MONNIER Telly, TABUCHI Eric Mur De L’Atlantique (2020)
LOMEPAL Citation (2017)
GRAEBER David On The Phenomenon Of Bullshit Jobs (2013)
BEAUDELAIRE Charles Ciel Brouillé (1857)
WINDING REFN Nicolas Drive (2011)
SO-IL Z33 House for Contemporary Art (2012)
DELALEX Gilles Réponses (2017)
DAFT PUNK Veridis Quo (2009)
KOSINSKI Joseph Image From Tron : Legacy (2010)
HERDER Johann Gottfried, GOETHE Johann Wolfgang Zeitgeist (1789)
DOMINIS John Mickey Mantle Having A Bad Day At Yankee Stadium (1965)
CAGE John 4’33 (1952)
MÜLLER Hans Walter Bulles Des Arts Sauts (2003)
ROGERS STIRCK HARBOUR + Partners Jean Prouvé’s 6×6 House Adaptation (2015)
UNKNOWN Abbot’s Cliff Sound Mirror (1917)
NPK NIIDAR Voronezh Radar (2009)
HOLL Steven Speaking Through The Silence Of Perceptual Phenomena (2013)
SHAW Jeffrey Shaw, BOTSCHUIJVER Theo, WELLESLEY-MILLER Sean Waterwalk (1969)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Plaza De España (2008)
BUCKMINSTER FULLER Richard Big Geodesic Dome Over Manhattan (1962)
DREW Richard The Falling Man (2001)
DE PORTZAMPARC Christian Cité De La Musique Aile Est (1995)
LEDOUX Claude Nicolas Salines Royales d’Arc Et Senans (1779)
BULLANT Jean, DAUMET Honoré Château De Chantilly (1882)
ARMAN NBC Rage (2009)
ADAIR Sean Photography (2001)
CURTIS Adam Can’t Get You Out Of My Head (2021)
DISNOVATION.ORG Blacklists (2016)
KROLL Lucien Enfin Chez Soi: Rehabilitation De Préfabriqués (1994)
NAKAMOTO Satoshi Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (2009)
SEKKEI Azusa, KENCHIKU Yamamoto-Nishihara Gate Tower Building (1992)
IBM Deep Blue (1985)
GUZLI Peter Tourist Guy (2011)
EGGLESTON William Eggleston Untitled (1984)
OMA, KOOLHAAS Rem Plan Of Nouvelle Ville De Melun Sénart (1977)
KAHN Louis Trafic Study (1952)
SAUTER VAN MOOS Housing Plan (2016)
SERGISON BATES Tower House (2017)
CLÉMENT Gilles, PROVOST Alain, BERGER Patrick, JORDY Jean-François, VIGUIER Jean-Paul Parc André Citroën (1992)
Recording Industry Association of America Parental Advisory Label (1985)
SAROT GROUP Burj Al Babas (2014)
BEEBE William Ant Mill (1921)
GAY John, U.S Navy Hornet Over The Pacific Ocean (1999)
SHORE Stephen New York City (2002)
WEIR Peter The Truman Show (1998)
ROBERT Alain Tour Total Climb (2016)
COUSINS Mark The Ugly II (1995)
PENFIELD Wilder, BOLDREY Edwin, RASMUSSEN Theodore Cortical homunculus (1937)
SCOTESE Christofer Pangea Proxima (1982)
Advanced Research Project Agency ARPANET (1966)
COOK Peter, ARCHIGRAM Plug-In City (1964)
RAGGI Franco La Tenda Rossa (1973)
GAUDI Antonio Polyfunicular Model (1908)
BUCKMINSTER FULLER Richard Dymaxion Deployment Units (1940)
BLOSSFELDT Karl Photogravures (1928)
FALA 068 (2017)
WENDERS Wim Introduction Of Notebook On Cities And Clothes (1989)
KOOLHAAS Rem Imagining Nothingless (1985)
MAALOUF Ibrahim 40 Melodies (2020)
NEKFEU Ciel Noir (2019)
ARAGON Louis Citation (1926)
CITROËN, FIORE Trevor Karin (1980)
VENTURI Robert, SCOTT BROWN, Denise, IZENOUR Steven Map of Las Vegas Stip (1972)
NAPOLITANO Umberto, JALLON Benoit, BOUTTÉ Franck Paris Haussmann : Modèle de ville (2017)
WATANABE Yoji The New Sky Building (1972)
VENEZIA Francesco Common Ground (2010)
LABOURDETTE Amélie Empire Of Dust (2015)
BRUTHER Residence For Researchers (2017)
LIU An Te White Dwarf (2013)
UNGERS Oswald Mathias Morphologie City Metaphors (1982)
MUOTO Laval (2014)
UHO 16 Familiy Housing (2014)
SHIBATA Toshio Image From Landscape (2008)
DOWNEY Brad, AKAY Image From Hotel l’Era De Can Burgès (2014)
NORELL/RODHE House RR (2020)
LISBERGER Steven Tron (1982)
NAGLER Florian Glentleiten Open-Air Museum (2018)
YANAGI Sori Butterfly Stool (1954)
BOUROULLEC Ronan Painting (2019)
Unknown Castello Della Zisa (1175)
HOKUSAI Thirty-Six Views Of Mount Fuji (1832)
WALL Jeff Study For A Sudden Gust Of Wind – After Hokusai (1993)
TRODAHL ARKITEKTER Alexander Kiellandsgate (2021)
DARWIN Charles On The Origin Of Species (1859)
ENSAMBLE STUDIO Ca’n Terra (2020)
SARTRE Jean-Paul L’Existentialisme Est Un Humanisme (1945)
VERMEER Johannes Girl With A Pearl Earring (1665)
LUCKHARDT Hans, LUCKHARDT Wassili Desk (1932)
BRATTON Benjamin The Stack: On Software And Sovereignty (2015)
KOOLHAAS Rem Junkspace (2002)
VENTURI Robert, SCOTT BROWN Denise Signs of Life: Symbols in the American City (1976)
ASSEMBLE The Cineroleum (2010)
STARCK Philippe, SCHITO Sergio Marlene Mirror (2019)
WEST Kanye Saint Pablo Tour (2016)
KANT Immanuel System Of Thought (1781)
DELVAUX Maxime Chambord (2020)
PLATO Allegory Of The Cave (-375)
MONNIER Telly, TABUCHI Eric Perriers-la-Campagne (2018)
KITCHIN Rob DIKW Pyramid (2014)
UNKNOWN The Walled City Of Shibam (250)
UNKNOWN The Walled City Of Kowloon (1898)
MONNIER Telly, TABUCHI Eric Tulle (2017)
AALTO Alvar Savoy Vase (1937)
KERTESZ André Distortion #54 (1933)
MACIVER-EK Anna MacIver-Ek CHEVROULET Axel Industrial DNA, (2013)
COMTE MEUWLY Coffee Postament (2019)
GENZKEN Isa Ohne Titel (1987)
MODOTTI Tina Telephone Wires (1925)
PAWSON John L’Anatomie De La Sensation (2011)
LATOUR Bruno Image (2001)
HOBBES Thomas Quote (1668)
DEBUCOURT Philibert-Louis Calendrier Republicain (1794)
VENTURI Robert Non Straightforward Architecture: A Gentle Manifesto (1966)
SNOZZI Luigi Aphorisme (1975)
LOCATELLI Luca Photography (2020)
LANGLOIS Hyacinthe Environs Et Fortifications De Paris (1841)
HUGO Victor 4 septembre 1843 (1856)
UNKNOWN Katsura Imperial Villa (1616)
MATTA-CLARK Gordon Splitting (1974)
BESHTY Walead Fedex (2014)
DUCAROY Michel Togo Sofa (1973)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean-Philippe House In Dordogne (1997)
MAYER Christof, HEBERLE Martin Penthouse (2012)
LYNCH Kevin, MYER John The View From The Road (1964)
LATOUR François Périphéries (2003)
MVRDV Hagen Island (2003)
DRUOT Frédéric, LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean Philippe Tour Bois-Le-Prêtre (2011)
EAMES Charles, EAMES Ray Nicholas Copernicus (1993)
IKEA Homemade Forts (2020)
TAKASUGA Shin Railway Sleeper House (1970)
Unknown Abu Dulaf Mosque (859)
MOORE Charles Moore House (1962)
PEREC George Tentative D’Epuisement D’Un Lieu Parisien (1975)
PICASSO Pablo Face Of Marie-Thérèse (1928)
DALÍ Salvador Rêve Causé Par Le Vol d’Une Abeille Autour d’Une Grenade, Une Seconde Avant l’Éveil (1944)
ATLAS OF PLACES Mies.Interpret (2018)
BARTHES Roland Myth Is A Type Of Speech (1957)
MANDRUP Dorte, BRANDLHUBER Arno Crystal (2006)
DUNN Alan The Last Lath (1947)
TATI Jacques Trafic (1971)
FISK Harold Mississippi River Meander Belt (1994)
TILL Jeremy, WIGGLESWORTH Sarah Increasing Disorder In A Dining Table (1997)
CHAPELLE Jean Diagram Of A Tent Structure (1958)
DE BEAUVOIR Simone Citation (1949)
ERASME Citation (1519)
SHIGERU BAN ARCHITECTES Centre Pompidou Metz (2010)
TSCHUMI Bernard Parc De La Villette (1992)
HERTZBERGER Herman Citation (1991)
MAGGIO Chris On The Other Side Of Liberty (2018)
SUN Et Al. Towards Virtual Reality Infinite Walking: Dynamic Saccadic Redirection (2018)
ROSSI Aldo Citation (1981)
MICHELANGELO Creation Of Adam (1512)
LYNCH Kevin, APPLEYARD Donald, R.MYER John The View From The Road (1964)
TEN Studio Avala House (2020)
ELIOT Thomas Stearns Quote (1934)
BENNETT Alan Toroid Klein Bottle (1995)
DEZEEN Demolition Of Robin Hood Gardens (2017)
VON HAUSSWOLFF Annika Attempting To Deal With Space And Time (1997)
HOLL Steven Edge of A City (1988)
RUSCHA Edward Twentysix Gasoline Stations (1963)
ABBOTT Berenice Exchange Place (1933)
JENCKS Charles Meaning In Architecture (1969)
MOORE Gordon Moore’s Law (1965)
MARI Enzo Ecolo (1995)
LAPIERRE Éric Ordinary Condition (2018)
AMORÓS Miguel Urbanisme & Ordre (2008)
BAST C18 (2020)
NASA Handbook Of The Pilot Operational Equipment For Manned Space Flight (1973)
CLÉMENT Gilles Jardin Du Tiers Paysage, Toit De La Base Sous Marine De Saint Nazaire (2009)
BIRO Laszlo Patent US2390636A: Writing Instrument (1945)
COUSINS Mark The Ugly I (1994)
ZURBANOWICZ Mateus Tokyo Storefronts (2018)
PERRAULT Dominique Hôtel Industriel Berlier (1990)
BAUDELAIRE Charles Une Charogne (1857)
BO BARDI Lina São Paulo Museum Of Art (1968)
SERGISON BATES Welcome Centre And Offices (2016)
2B Place De Longemalle (2013)
VERNHES Éric Au Bord De Paris (1996)
KAHN Louis Kimbell Art Museum (1972)
FREEDMAN Richard, HERSEY George Possible Palladian Villas (1992)
PALLADIO Andreas Villa Almerico Capra Valmarana (1592)
JUGOVEC Oton Cover For Archaeological Findings Otok Pri Dobravi (1971)
LAPIERRE Éric Economy Of Means (2018)
DUCHAMPS Marcel Fontaine (1917)
DELVOY Wim Cloaca (2000)
EGR 23 logements (2020)
DALY César Citation (1864)
U/BIWOOK Railway bridge in Nairobi National Park (2020)
HOLZER Jenny Truisms (1979)
MANZONI Piero Merda d’Artista (1961)
SEJIMA Kazuyo Department Of Art Science (2018)
PRICE Cedric Citation (1999)
EAMES Charles, EAMES Ray A Communications Primer (1953)
51N4E Skanderbeg Square (2019)
KEREZ Christian Oberrealta Chapelle (1992)
HUXLEY Aldous Extrait : Le Meilleur Des Mondes (1932)
PRICE Cedric Potteries Thinkbelt (1966)
JENSEN & SKODVIN Grating And Benches (2016)
BRUTHER Note (2014)
DOGMA Primary (2019)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Tate Modern Gallery (2000)
ROSSI Aldo San Cataldo Cemetery (1971)
DAMSO Citation (2018)
XDGA Place Rogier (2019)
OMA Parc De La Villette (1982)
UNPROFESSIONAL STUDIO Ice House Conversion (2017)
WOLF Michael Tokyo Compression (2011)
BRANDLHUBER Neanderthal Museum (1996)
BADER Bernardo House In The Field (2010)
PEREC Georges L’Espace (1974)
OMA, PAULIN Pierre, KOOLHAAS Rem The Pierre Paulin Program (2019)
NOUSAKU Fuminori Holes In The House (2017)
BRUTHER Helsinki Central Library (2012)
R Architecture Parcking (2020)
BAUKUNST Arsenic Théâtre Itinérant (2019)
LIN Halle 6 (2015)
SIZA Alvaro Leça Swimming Pools (1966)
CARAVAGGIO Narcissus (1599)
BREL Jacques Ces Gens Là (1966)
PERRAUDIN Gilles Logements Sociaux Collectifs (2011)
MADE IN Campus Santé (2016)
DIENER & DIENER Office Building Kohlenberg (1995)
ANDO Tadao House (1980)
AUBERGER Jacques Untitled (2014)
CN10 ARCHITETTI Research On The Intervention By Luigi Caccia Dominioni In Villa San Valerio (2014)
GIGON GUYER Prime Tower (2011)
MICROCITIES Neutral Plan: Room As The Basic Unit (2013)
CARMODY GROARKE Two Pavilions (2017)
6A Juergen Teller Studio (2016)
BRATTON Benjamin, BYSTRYKH Janna, KOOLHAAS Rem Post-human Architecture (2017)
UNKNOWN Plan Of The Palace Of Naramsin (-2600)
VENTURI Robert Citation (1966)
CARMODY GROARKE Großmarkt Theater Pavilion (2020)
ISNER Roc Photography (2017)
IKEA Report 3 : What Makes A Home ? (2019)
KOOLHAAS Rem Boxes (2020)
UNKNOWN Plan Of Khorsabad (-800)
RENDILLE PEOPLE Plan of Gob Wambile (1991)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Espel Pavillon (2017)
SHUN-LUNG Chung Civilizational Scenery Milestones (2010)
LAPIERRE Eric Shed Experience (2020)
TSCHUMI Bernard Advertisements For Architecture (1977)
VANHÖFEN Jörn Aftermath (2011)
CHAZELLE Damien Whiplash (2014)
EM2N New Housing On Briesestraße (2020)
BOURBOUZE & GRAINDORGE Déja-vu Et Reprise (2020)
VAN DER ROHE Ludwig Mies Glass Skyscraper Project (1922)
BRULLOV Karl The Last Day Of Pompeii (1833)
MACLEAMY Patrick The MacLeamy Curve (2004)
SARTRE Jean-Paul Citation (1945)
UNGERS Oswald Mathias House Without Qualities (1995)
HILDEBRAND Hapimag Headquarters (2018)
HAZANAVICUIS Michel La Classe Américaine (1993)
NASA, JPL-CALTECH Sol 02917: Right Navigation Camera (2020)
IUPAC Periodic Table Of Elements (2018)
LOUIS Edouard Citation (2016)
GAUDI Antonio Park Güell (1914)
SCHOCHER Christian Reisender Krieger (1981)
HOWARD Ebenezer Diagram n°1 (1898)
HOPPER Edward Portrait Of Orleans (1950)
PRINCEN Bas Botanic Garden (2009)
RIBAS Xavier Sundays (1997)
GODARD Jean-Luc Lettre à Freddy Buache (1982)
JONZE Spike Welcome Home (2018)
PICASSO Pablo Citation (1964)
UNKNOWN Sator Square (79)
FAUSTINO Didier My First House (1996)
VAN EYCK Aldo Two Types Of Centrality (1963)
IWATA Hiroo Floating Eye (2000)
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Villa Rosa (1968)
KERTÉSZ André Shadow Painter (1926)
OLMSTED Frederick Law, VAUX Calvert Central Park (1873)
TURNER Joseph Mallord William View Of Tivoli (1820)
OLGIATI Valerio Villa Além (2014)
BAUDELAIRE Charles La Mort Des Amants (1857)
PRICE Cedric Generator Project (1980)
DESIGN-TO-PRODUCTION Rolex Learning Center (2010)
FEHN Sverre Nordic Pavillon in Venice (1962)
WALD Abraham Survivorship Bias (1943)
PROUST Marcel Citation (1954)
GOLDSWORTHY Andy Goldsworthy Oak Room (2009)
FRAMPTON Kenneth Quote (1995)
ZOLA Emile J’Accuse …! (1898)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Bangkok Project Study (2017)
LAN Popincourt Office (2019)
PLUTARQUE Le Bateau De Thesée (120)
DOGMA Fondamenta (2018)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Dominus Winery (1995)
NP2F Logements Caserne De Reuilly (2015)
DOISNEAU Robert La Maison Des Locataires (1962)
BOUROULLEC Ronan, BOUROULLEC Erwan Osso Chair (2011)
OMA Toulouse Exhibition And Convention Center (2020)
V+ Water Tower Ghlin (2014)
DE KALBERMATTEN Joseph Obergestlen Reconstruction Plan (1891)
GROSS Yann Lavinia (2014)
MVRDV The Stairs To Kriterion (2016)
REISER Jesse, UMEMOTO Nanako West Side Hudson Yard (1999)
SANAA Louvre Lens (2006)
LIN Nîmes Arena (1989)
SEPTEMBRE Belleville, 4 Housing (2016)
GIGON GUYER Löwenbräu Areal (2014)
RUDOFSKY Bernard Architecture Without Architects (1964)
DUJARDIN Filip Impossible Architecture (2013)
STÜCHELI Architects Supertanker (2007)
CALATRAVA Santiago University Of Zurich Law Factulty (2004)
DAVID Jacques-Louis Bélisaire Demandant L’aumône (1780)
MADE IN Fondation Beyeler (2017)
WREN Christopher St-Paul’s Cathedral (1710)
FRIEDRICH Caspar David Le Voyageur Contemplant Une Mer De Nuages (1818)
COOPER Kyle, VEGA Corey AHS 1984 Opening Credits (2019)
SANAA Social Housing Fayolle (2018)
YOON JeongMee The Pink And Blue Project (2005)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Ilot A3, Tour De Logements (2017)
UNKNOWN BRS Logo (1964)
ARUP Ove Kingsgate Bridge (1963)
GOLDBERG Jim Rich and Poor (1985)
BAROZZI VEIGA Tanzhaus (2019)
PROUVÉ Jean Bungalow Du Cameroun (1964)
SHALNEVA Elena Postmodernism: Some Correction and Clarifications (2020)
BECKETT Samuel Citation (1931)
TSCHUMI Bernard Citation (2012)
HUGO Victor Quote (1956)
VIOLLET-LE-DUC Eugène Description Du Château de Coucy (1875)
CAILLEBOTTE Gustave Rue De Paris, Temps De Pluie (1877)
KECHICHE Abdellatif Mektoub My Love : Canto Uno (2018)
SANAA Factory Building On The Vitra Campus (2012)
HERVÉ Lucien Le Corbusier Travaillant Dans Son Cabanon (1953)
LAUGIER Marc-Antoine Frontspice (1753)
HARDER HAAS Partner Kornhaus Swissmill (2016)
SVENSON Arne The Neighbors (2013)
MORI Masahiro Uncanny Valley (2012)
PIANO Renzo, ROGERS Richard Centre Pompidou (1977)
GOOGLE, LAPKA Project Ara (2015)
ŠIK Miroslav St. Antonius Parish Center (1997)
BOMBELLI Lanfranco, HARNDEN Peter Casa Fasquelle (1971)
BAST T01 Espace De Travail (2013)
FREI Luca Inheritance (2013)
JUDD Donald 100 untitled works in mill aluminum (1986)
MILLER Quintus, MARANTA Paola St. Gotthard Hospice (2010)
FIAT Nardò Ring (1975)
MURCUTT Glenn Marie Short House (1980)
BAST M19 Maison De Maître (2019)
NOLAN Christopher Memento (2000)
ABBOTT Berenice Wave Pattern (1961)
ISAACS Ken Beach Matrix (1967)
NOUVEL Jean Onyx (1998)
COMTE Adrien, MEUWLY Adrien Universal Buvette (2019)
FAUSTINO Didier Hand Architecture (2009)
HARROV FRICK Brunstorp (2018)
PÖLL Frederik Town of Timgad (2010)
LAPIERRE Éric Citation (2020)
DIENER & DIENER Office Building Steinentorberg (1990)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Suva House (1993)
GRAVES Kris Yat Tung Estate (2012)
XDGA Melopee School (2020)
UNKNOWN Arab Tent In The Bedouin Desert (1875)
COMTE Adrien, MEUWLY Adrien The Permanent Weekend House (2019)
BERETTA Adriana Other Spaces (2018)
FOEDINGER Karsten Untitled (2013)
SHRIGLEY David Ignore This Building (1996)
TOSCANI Tony Loneliness (2020)
YAMADA Suzuko Daita2019 House (2019)
LEYS Simon Citation (1984)
WEIS Shachar 3D MRI/Ultrasound slicer (2018)
GIL-FOURNIER Abelardo, PARIKKA Jussi Seed, Image, Ground (2020)
BRACHARD Philippe, DE TOURDONNET Pascale Esperance House (2008)
ROSSWOG Stephan Animation of the coalescence of two neutron stars with masses 1.4 and 1.5 M (2013)
NELSON Sam Toward Edufactory (2012)
CATTELAN Maurizio Sans Titre (2001)
TALEB Nassim Nicholas Black Swan Theory (2001)
CORAJOUD Michel Citation (2010)
EAMES Charles, EAMES Ray An Introduction to Feedback (1960)
ROBBRECHT DAEM Aue Pavilions (1992)
BRESSON Robert Citation (1997)
OMA Two Libraries (1992)
VAN DER ROHE Ludwig Mies Seagram Building (1958)
KAMPE THILL Atelier Light Building Exhibition Pavillon (2001)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean Philippe 59 Logements (2015)
EAMES Charles, EAMES Ray Fiberglass Chairs (1970)
CAMPO BAEZA Alberto Nuevo Museo Mercedes Benz (2002)
PAWLUS Jamie Directory Map (2001)
DAVIDSON Cynthia What’s in a Log ? (2003)
LOMEPAL, STEIN Yassine Un Peu De Sang (2018)
KASSOVITZ Mathieu La Haine (1995)
GROARKE Carmody The Hill House Box (2019)
ARENDT Hannah Le Héros (1958)
CARPO Mario We Can’t Go On Teaching The Same History Of Architecture As Before (2018)
KORZYBSKI Alfred A Non-Aristotelian System And Its Necessity For Rigour In Mathematics And Physics (1931)
PAINLEVÉ Jean Transition De Phase Dans Les Cristaux Liquides (1978)
YUSSEF KAMAAL Black Album (2016)
LAPIERRE Eric Citation (2020)
WAYNE Ron Apple Computer Logo (1976)
BAST T09 Studio Photo (2017)
BRANDLHUBER Terrassenhaus Berlin (2016)
VERSCHUERE Adrien Citation (2017)
NOUVEL Jean Danish Radio Concert Hall (2009)
BRESSON Robert Citation (1995)
NELSON Sam, TYPE Studio Practice Not Perfect (2015)
STARCK Philippe Juicy Salif (1990)
University of TSUKUBA Robot Tile (2016)
AMORETTI Aldo Men At Work (2017)
FISCHLI Peter, WEISS David How To Work Better (1991)
CARPO Mario Against the Studio Mystique (2020)
GAY MENZEL Chalet Wermeille (2016)
EAMES Charles, EAMES Ray A Computer Glossary (1968)
ISLER Heinz Migros (1966)
AUBERGER Jacques Citation (2018)
DE GEYTER Xaveer Citation (2018)
OMA Shenzhen Stock Exchange (2013)
PICHLER Walter Portable Living Room (1967)
NELSON George How To Kill People : A Problem Of Design (1960)
DUDLER Max Office Tower (2003)
AMO Plaine Du Var (2009)
CHIVERS Richard Degeneration (2019)
THE MENTOR Hacker’s Manifesto (1986)
JANS Rahael, KEREZ Christian House With a Lake View (2013)
MOSIOR Ben Ten Heuristics for Bad Times (2020)
VASSAL Jean-Philippe Citation (2017)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Prada Aoyama (2003)
LUCAN Jacques Citation (2015)
STYNEN Leon, DE MEYER Paul BP Building (1963)
PERRET Auguste L’architecture À L’exposition Des Arts Décoratifs (1925)
DE BAUDOT Anatole Grand Espace Couvert Eclairé Par Le Haut (1914)
GIBSON James Jerome Affordance (1979)
HERZOG & DE MEURON 1111 Lincoln Road (2010)
BAC, SUD AVIATION Concorde (1965)
SHALNEVA Elena In Defence of the Humanities (2020)
LAPIERRE Eric Quote (2020)
CHIPPERFIELD David Private House (1996)
LEO Ludwig Umlauftank (1974)
PARKS Gordon Untitled (1947)
CALVINO Italo Six Memos For The Next Millennuim (1988)
E2A Box Rule (2007)
VIOLLET-LE-DUC Eugène Application Des Jointures Des Os À La Mécanique (1863)
NETSCH Walter, S.O.M U.S Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel (1963)
KATZ David Psychological Atlas (1948)
HANSMEYER Michael Subdivided Columns (2010)
FREMSON Ruth Pigeons (2010)
ASHIHARA Yoshinobu Komazawa Olympic Park Control Tower (1964)
SHELLENBERGER Michael Why Climate Activists Will Go Nuclear—Or Go Extinct (2020)
STUDIO Muoto Mobilis (2019)
HERZOG & DE MEURON New Mixed-Use Building (2020)
JACOBSEN Arne Munkegaard School (1956)
PERRAULT Dominique Bibliothèque Nationale De France (1989)
MAGRITTE René La Reproduction Interdite (1937)
SECCHI Bernardo, VIGANÒ Paola New Cemetery And Park In Kortrijk (1999)
SANAA Drop Chair (2005)
BOKHARI Adil, ROMAN Miro, OROZCO Jorge Studio Meteora Season 2 (2020)
L’AUC Consultation internationale sur les enjeux du schéma de cohérence territoriale de Lille Métropole (2012)
BAKER Matt Evolution of the Alphabet (2018)
SLODOUNIK Herb It’s Grate But Is It Art ? (1963)
ORWELL George Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
SCHINK Hans-Christian Tōhoku (2012)
MORLINGHAUS Christoph Computerwelt (2016)
BAKKER & BLANC Les Arsenaux (2019)
WIKIPEDIA Leon Battista Alberti (2020)
SNOZZI Luigi Aphorism (2016)
LAPIERRE Eric Ecluse De Vives-Eaux (1999)
ZUMTHOR Peter Steilneset Memorial (2011)
TSCHUMI Bernard Citation (1977)
51N4E ZIN (2020)
KEMPE THILL Atelier Hip House (2015)
KILGORE Lon Physiological Planes (2020)
CAMUS Albert Noces : Le Vent à Djemila (1938)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean Philippe House in Corsica (2001)
ENTHOVEN Raphaël Discours Contre le Conservationisme (2019)
TEENAGE ENGINEERING Pocket Operator (2015)
TSCHUMI Bernard Bridge City (1988)
FARBER Liliana Terram in Aspectu (2019)
ZAJAC Edward E. Simulation of a Two-Gyro Gravity-Gradient Attitude Control System (1963)
WEAVER John Ernest The Ecological Relations of Roots (1919)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean Philippe Tower Block (2005)
CARSTEN Nicolai Grid Index (2009)
SNOHETTA Bjarne Melgaard Enterprise – An E-mail First Visual Identity (2020)
METRO S. Paulo Big City (2012)
SOPICO Citation (2020)
BERGER & BERGER Pompidou Mobile (2009)
SIMONDON Gilbert Du Mode d’Existence des Objets techniques (1958)
FAUSTINO Didier Salaryman’s Dream (2005)
FISCHLI Peter, WEISS David Airports (2012)
ANDREU Paul CDG Terminal 1 (1974)
GOTO Shuhei House In Handayama (2018)
APPLE, GOG Axinya A One-Take Journey Through Russia’s Iconic Hermitage Museum (2019)
BAROZZI VEIGA Szczecin Philharmonic Hall (2014)
JEVONS William Stanley Jevons Paradox (1865)
CAFFI Ippolito Eclisse di Sole alle Fondamenta Nove (1842)
ARETS Wiel Academy Of Arts (1993)
AIM Inc AFE-2D6 ULTRA CNC Wire Bender (2009)
PALMA Punta Mita (2017)
E2A High-rise Apartment Building (2013)
LIFE Theoreme 1909 : 80 Stairs Skyscraper (1909)
DO HO SUH Public Figures (1998)
HADID Zaha, SCHUMACHER Patrick Hohenheim-Nord Terminus and Car Park (2001)
LOMEPAL Burning Man (2020)
MORPHOSIS Phare Tower (2010)
KIRK CHRISTIANSEN Godtfred LEGO Brick (1958)
WEIL Simone Notes sur la Suppression des Partis Politiques (1950)
BRUTHER Plan (2015)
MACLEAN Alex Parking On A Diamond (2007)
FAUSTINO Didier Double Happiness (2009)
RUIZ Oscar Little Boxes at the Edge of Mexico City (2013)
BRUTHER New Generation Center (2013)
TRAUMNOVELLE, LE GRELLE Roxane Eurotopie Pavillion (2018)
XDGA Square Schuman (2017)
SIZA Alvaro Citation (2007)
HOUELLEBECQ Michel Adolescent Naïf (2013)
KEELER David Photography (1999)
AUBERGER Jacques Sapiens Talks Jacques (2018)
51N4E Photography (2019)
ZACHMANN Patrick French Allotments Gardens (1994)
HOUELLEBECQ Michel Conception de l’Amour (1991)
HAWKING Stephen A Brief Story of Time (1988)
FOSTER Norman Marseille Vieux Port (2013)
WACHSMANN Konrad United States Air Force Aircraft Hangar (1951)
BUNSHAFT Gordon, DE BLOIS Natalie, SOM Pepsi Cola Building (1960)
FREYSSINET Eugène Hangar Pour Dirigeable (1923)
GOLDSMITH Myron United Air Lines Hangar (1961)
THOMAS Dylan Do not go gentle into that good night (1952)
FOSTER + PARTNERS Torre de Collserola (1992)
AMO Strelka (2013)
EAMES Charles, EAMES Ray House (1949)
RICCIOTI Rudy MuCEM (2013)
DA GRACA Joao Luís Carrilho, DA FONSECA António Adão Pedestrian Bridge Over The Carpinteira River (2009)
LEONHARDT, ANDRÄ und Partner Bridge across Tamina Canyon (2017)
RATP Plan Du Metro (2020)
HOLTROP Anne Image (2013)
TOYO ITO & ASSOCIATES Tama Art University Library (2007)
DAMSO Humains (2018)
OCEAN Frank Blonde (2016)
NEPAL Trajectoire (2020)
ORLINSKI Katie Katmai Moutain (2020)
ANDREWS Mike Vertigo (2019)
INCHES GELETA Palazzo Pioda (2018)
KEREZ Christian Power Plant in the Canton of Graubünden (1991)
NP2F Cathédrale Des Sports (2016)
VILLENEUVE Denis Next Floor (2008)
OPALKA Roman Autoportrait (2011)
BERCHUL Yevheniia, GONG Yu, SHEVLYAKOV Andrey, WOLFF Bryan Governing Simulations: Intro to Necroeconomics (2020)
OMA City In The Desert (2006)
U/ARB7721 A View From The Cairo Tower (2019)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Ricola Storage Building (1987)
VILLENEUVE Denis Arrival (2016)
VAN DER ROHE Ludwig Mies Farnsworth House (1951)
VACCHINI Livio Losone Gymnasium (1997)
NASA Graphics Standards Manual (1976)
BRANDLHUBER Cramer I Structure Drawing (2004)
ROGERS Richard Linn Products (1987)
ROUSE Mitch Palouse Aerials (2020)
PETIT Philippe World Trade Center Walk (1974)
DAMSO Je Nous Mens (2017)
TERRAGNI Giuseppe Casa Del Fascio (1936)
PITTNER Maximilian Photography (2019)
BOURBOUZE & GRAINDORGE Architectures Extra-Normales (2009)
SHAKERI Hashem Ghost Towers (2019)
DUIKER Jan Open Air School (1927)
FALA Atelier, BELKHODJA Ahmed, MAIRE Samuel Parc Des Princes (2014)
SOPICO Interlude (2018)
SIZA Alvaro Portuguese National Pavilion (1998)
CHOISY Auguste L’Art De Bâtir Chez Les Romains: Planches (1873)
SANAA Grace Farms (2015)
RANDOM INTERNATIONAL Study for Fifteen Points I (2016)
US ARMY Trinity (1945)
DAMSO Amnesie (2017)
WRIGHT Frank Lloyd Johnson Wax Headquarters (1939)
SANAA Rolex Learning Center (2010)
CIRIANI Henri Office Photography (1986)
NOUVEL Jean European Patent Office (2012)
OMA, KOOLHAAS Rem Villa dall’Ava (1991)
HOPPE Emil Otto The Sydney Harbour Bridge Under Construction (1930)
MADE IN Mont Blanc (2011)
AJAR Émile Citation, (1975)
BEAUDELAIRE Charles L’albatros (1861)
DELEUZE Gilles, PARNET Claire Abécédaire (1995)
KEREZ Christian Swiss Pavilion 15e Biennale Di Venezia (2016)
ZUMTHOR Peter Vals Thermal Bath (1996)
GUADAGNINO Luca Call Me by Your Name (2018)
KEREZ Christian EWZ Power Plant (2016)
HIROSHIGE Utagawa Suruga-cho, No. 8 In One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (1856)
OMA Yokohama Masterplan (1991)
GARDELLA Ignazio Torre Littoria Competition (1934)
SHINOHARA Kazuo Tanikawa House (1958)
HARRHOV FRICK Drawing (2018)
HANSEN Oskar, HANSEN Zofia Extension Of The Zacheta Art Gallery (1958)
E2A Taz Office Building (2018)
GOOGLE Trends: Life vs Death (2020)
SOUTO DE MOURA Eduardo Graça Correira (2007)
BAUKUNST Geoid (2020)
MACHIAVEL Nicolas Le Prince (1532)
MAGRITTE René The Treachery of Images (1929)
GRANGE Grégoire In Bloom (2013)
DAVIES John Viaduct (1986)
MANDRUP Dorte The Whale (2019)
OMA CCTV Headquarters (2012)
SAMARAS Ken Citation (2019)
BOUDRY Maarten False Humility Will Not Save the Planet (2020)
DELEUZE Gilles, GUATTARI Félix Capitalisme Et Schizophrénie 2 : Mille Plateaux (1980)
STARCK Philippe Sailling Yacht A (2015)
DREIER FRENZEL Verdeaux (2018)
CHIPPERFIELD David Amorepacific Headquarters (2017)
BAUKUNST Performance And Performativity (2019)
KEREZ Christian Office Building (2018)
DOGMA Production and Reproduction in Artists’ Housing (2015)
MUOTO Lille Eurathec (2017)
BRUTHER Tokyo’s Infradreams (2008)
BUREN Daniel Les Deux Plateaux (1986)
FOORTH + BACK New York Dreams (2020)
VAN DER ROHE Ludwig Mies Neue Nationalgalerie (1968)
CHRISTO Wrapped Buildings NYC (1964)
OVING Architecten Holocaust Memorial (2015)
CARPO Mario Talks at Google: The Second Digital Turn (2018)
CARPO Mario The Age of Travel is Over (2019)
DOCKERY David Pepe Silvia w/drums (2017)
VARDEHAUGEN Real Scale Drawings (2019)
ANASTASI William Transfer (1968)
NORTON Edward Brooklin Affairs (2019)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean Philippe FRAC Nord-Pas-De-Calais (2013)
GURSKY Andreas Rhein II (1999)
ABRAMOVIC Marina The Artist Is Present (2010)
MACLEAN Alex Express Car Inventory Lot (2009)
RPBW Kirribilli MAS60 (2001)
OFFICE Solo House (2017)
STENDHAL Le Rouge et le Noir (1830)
IKEDA Ryoji Test Pattern (2008)
ANDRADE MORETTIN Instituto Moreia Salles (2017)
AMO Data Matter: Architecture for Non-Humans (2019)
JENCKS Charles “The Day Modern Architecture Died” (1972)
GALIMBERTI Gabriele, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC L’Italie Confinée En Image (2020)
DE GRAAF Reinier Architecture (2019)
KOOLHAAS Rem Kool World (2003)
DELHAY Sophie Unité(s) (2019)
SUPERPOZE Gleam / Shelter (2016)
CIGUË Loft (2019)
SOUTO DE MOURA Eduardo Arch And Art Pavillion (2016)
STARCK Philippe Louis Ghost Chair (2000)
TRIAS State Cabin (2017)
GUERRINI Giovanni, LAPADULA Ernesto Bruno, ROMANO Mario Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana (1943)
IKEA LACK Table (1992)
MOULIN Pierre Vider Paris (2001)
RPBW Beyeler Museum Detail Section (1998)
AMO, BANTAL Samir, KOOLHAAS Rem Countryside: The Future (2020)
KARAMUK KUO Winterthur Vocational School (2019)
BARD David The Hidden Face (2019)
EQUATION Group Stuxnet (2012)
FREI Luca Everything was to be done. All the adventures are still there. (2003)
LAN Théâtre Le Maillon (2019)
OMA ArcelorMittal HQ (2017)
DOGMA House Prototype (2017)
KOOLHAAS Rem Complexity (1995)
JUDD Donald Citation (1975)
OMA Maison à Bordeaux (1998)
WILLIAMS Stuart Luminous Earth Grid (1993)
MAKARIUS Sameer Advertising Reflections on Building (1955)
KISHI Waro, K Associates House in Higashi (1997)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean Philippe Cap Ferret House (1998)
BRANDLHUBER Geisselstrasse (2000)
OMA De Rotterdam (2013)
LYSSY Daniel Ilior One (2018)
KOOLHAAS Rem, LATOUR Bruno Dans Quel Monde Vivrons-Nous? (2017)
VAN DER ROHE Ludwig Mies Convention Hall (1954)
ARRHOV FRICK Lilla Rågholmen (2017)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean-Philippe Economic Prototype Dwelling (1992)
ABEL Carl Friedrich, GOMAS Mathilde Adagio in D Minor, Viola da Gamba (2020)
DOGMA Project For A Mid-Rise Housing Block (2018)
FURTTENBACH Joseph Architectura Recreationis (1640)
LABEL Arc En Ciel (2019)
CATALANO Eduardo Raleigh House (1954)
NOUVEL Jean, Atelier Jean Nouvel Nemausus (1987)
NERY Guillaume One Breath Around The World (2019)
SCHLUP Max Farel Haus (1959)
DOGMA Stop City (2008)
CHIPPERFIELD David Campus Joachimstabe (2013)
RAHM Philippe Coronavirus ou le Retour à la Normale (2020)
GUTHERIE William Building Model (2019)
Studio Millimètre Life in Picoseconds (2017)
CHAREAU Pierre, BIJVOET Bernard Maison de Verre (1923)
RPBW Maison Hermès (2006)
BAICHWAL Jennifer, DE PENCIER Nicholas, BURTYNSKY Edward ANTHROPOCENE : The Human Epoch (2019)
MARKLI Peter Congiuta Museum (1992)
CANO Seglas Kibera Halmet (2016)
ANCARANI Yuri Il Capo (2014)
CHRISTO Wrapped Reichstag (1995)
GAZEAU Philippe Offices (1999)
UHO Private Apartment (2017)
WIPER Alastair Philip Maersk Triple E (2014)
ISHIGAMI Junya Pre-Stressed Steel Table (2006)
BMD Massive Change (2005)
BRUTHER Sciences Center and Aquarium (2015)
GRASSET Leo Réparer Une Emotion (2020)
HOLTROP Anne Image (2016)
MODEM Drawing Codes / Theory of Forms (2019)
TEZUKA Architects Wall Less House (2012)
MENZEL Götz Photography (2019)
LINKLATER Richard The Before Trilogy (2013)
HOUELLEBECQ Michel Je n’Avais Que Dix-Sept Ans (1999)
ISHIGAMI Junya Water Garden Plan (2018)
SIE susi Float (2011)
ARRHOV FRICK House (2016)
JONZE Spike Her (2013)
ROTH Evan Graffiti Taxonomy (2009)
MUOTO Quatre Maison (2018)
NP2F Stadium Charlemagne (2016)
FUJII Hiromi Project E-2 (1971)
CIGUË Hotel Metropole, Une Chambre Pour Demain (2019)
European Space Agency Comet Churyumov–Gerasimenko (2014)
NOUVEL Jean, CATTANI Emmanuel Fondation Cartier (1994)
DAVIES John Ladbroke Grove, London (1985)
PRICE Cedric Fun Palace (1964)
POELVOORDE Benoît Clique X Benoît Poelvoorde (2016)
RIES Raoul Act of Oblivion (2012)
MATISSE Henri Blue Nude (1952)
TANGE Kenzō House (1953)
DENES Agnes Wheatfield – A Confrontation (1982)
TEZUKA Architects Roof House (2009)
ZIMMERMAN Peter Boa (2017)
LE CORBUSIER Maison Domino (1914)
NASA Voyager Golden Record (1977)
AZUMA Takamitsu Tower House (1966)
WEIWEI Ai Study of Perspective – Mona Lisa (2003)
ISOZAKI Arata, KOOLHAAS Rem Metabolism Talks (2005)
DUNN Greg, EDWARD Brian Self Reflected (2016)
TANGE Kenzō Big Roof At Expo 70′ (1970)
NIETZSCHE Friedrich Vérité et Mensonge Au Sens Extra-Moral (1873)
BRUTHER Photography (2012)
TURRELL James Roden Crater (1960)
MALTBY John Photography (1954)
HENZE Eno Neue Himmel (2012)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Parrish Art Museum (2012)
CARPO Mario The Post-Digital Will Be Even More Digital (2018)
NOUVEL Jean, Atelier Jean Nouvel Opéra De Lyon (1993)
SANAA Zollverein School of Management and Design (2006)
REMBRANDT The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp (1632)
CARPO Mario What Architects Need to Know About Carbon (2020)
PICASSO Pablo Self-Portrait (1900)
SCHULZ DORNBURG Ursula Erevan – Yeghvard (1997)
KLEIN Yves Peinture de Feu sans titre F2 (1962)
SANAA Agifu Kitagata (2000)
LIEBERMAN Zach Marble Study #1 (2019)
VASSAL Jean Philippe Paillote (1984)
GODARD Jean-Luc Discours Aux Cesars (1987)
ANADOL Refik Melting Memories (2018)
Certain Measures Form Maps (2015)
LOUIS Edouard Quote (2018)
WIKIPEDIA Ineffability (2020)
FUJII Hiromi Todoroki House (1976)
SHIRO Emir Viewpoint (2019)
SHINOHARA Kazuo Umbrella House (1959)
HOUELLEBECQ Michel Derniers Temps (2001)
ARAVENA Alejandro, ELEMENTAL Diagram (2016)
GIRARD Christian, MOREL Philippe Nous Pensons qu’il Faut Dynamiter la Façon d’Enseigner l’Architecture en France (2017)
DEBORD Guy Guide Psychogéographique De Paris (1957)
THE LIVING Twin Mirror (2017)
BOUROULLEC Ronan, BOUROULLEC Erwan Joyn Workstations (2002)
HOWARD Louisa Scanning Electron Microscope Images of Trichomes (2013)
OLGIATI Valerio The Yellow House (1999)
WURM Erwin Fat Car convertible (2005)
NOUVEL Jean Expo 02 (2002)
PROBST Barbara Exposure #56 (2008)
SAMARAS Ken Citation (2019)
VARENNE Franck Épistémologie du Numérique Entre Sciences du Vivant et Architecture (2020)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Feltrinelli Porta Volta (2016)
STRAZZA Giovanni The Veiled Virgin (1850)
BAROZZI VEIGA A Sentimental Monumentality (2016)
OLE LUND Nils The Role of History (1984)
RPBW Jérôme Seydoux Pathé Foundation (2014)
FINCHER David Fight Club (1999)
WOOD THE YOUNGER John Royal Crescent (1774)
FOSTER + PARTNERS Millau Viaduct (2004)
JOHANSEN SKOVSTED Tipperne Bird Sanctuary (2017)
EISENMAN Peter Berlin Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (2005)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean-Philippe Palais De Tokyo (2014)
BACON Francis Portrait of Michel Leiris (1976)
ROBBRECHT & DAEM Architecten Office In Ghent (2007)
DE BEAUVOIR Simone The Present and The Future (1947)
KLAPISCH Cédric Deux Moi (2018)
SHISHKIN Ivan A Rye Field (1878)
DELVAUX Maxime Untitled (2014)
EITEL Tim Man Lying in Grass (2018)
PONTI Gio Torre Pirelli (1958)
MEINDERTSMA Christien PIG 05049 (2007)
GUIDOTTI Giacomo, GUIDOTTI Riccarda, FRAPPOLLI Andrea Projetto 1077 (2013)
COURBET Gustave L’Origine du Monde (1866)
OMA Concrete At Alserkal Avenue (2017)
SNELL Ben Dio (2019)
NOLAN Christopher, NOLAN Jonathan Interstellar (2014)
LUCE Maximilien Morning, Interior (1890)
PROUVÉ Jean Standard Chair (1934)
VON FOERSTER Andreas Spaghetti with Meatballs: cross section, three times full size (1972)
KUROKAWA Kisho Nakagin Capsule Tower (1972)
KLEIN Yves Anthropométries de l’Époque Bleue (1960)
GUTHERIE William Tower Model (2019)
CAILLEBOTTE Gustave Les Raboteurs de Parquet (1875)
TANIZAKI Junichirô Éloge De L’ombre (1933)
REISER Jesse, UMEMOTO Nanako Atlas of Novel Tectonics (2006)
MOTTINI Patrice Nouveaux Ateliers Du Parc (1995)
HARARI Huval Noah Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2011)
GURSKY Andreas 99 Cent (1999)
PERRAULT Dominique Madrid Olympic Tennis Center (2009)
TSCHUMI Bernard Le Fresnoy Art Center (1997)
GREENE David, ARCHIGRAM Living Pod (1967)
BARTHES Roland Le Degré Zéro De L’écriture (1953)
ZENGHELIS Zoe La Ville Du Globe Captif (1972)
KOEING Pierre Case Study House 22 (1959)
OSA Ecoscape (2002)
SANAA Ferry Terminal (2006)
SUPERSTUDIO Il Monumento Continuo (1970)
BAAN Iwan Torre David, Gran Horizonte (2012)
OBJECTILE Sans-Titre (1998)
LE CORBUSIER Le Modulor (1945)
RAVEL Maurice Bolero (1928)
COOK Peter, ARCHIGRAM Instant City (1970)
KOOLHAAS Rem Bigness or the Problem of Large (1995)
LUCARELLI Fosco The Origins of The Plan: Forma Urbis Romae (2018)
MAKI Fumihiko Investigations In Collective Form (1964)
FALA Atelier Reinosa Cultural Center (2013)
EZCT Algorithmic Design for the Non Standard Architectures Exhibition Set (2004)
COOK Peter, ARCHIGRAM Layer City (1984)
SCHUMACHER Patrik Building for business (2008)
FIEDMAN Yona Ville Spaciale (1960)
TATI Jacques Manège (1967)
KUROKAWA Kisho Agricultural City (1960)
BROWN Ralph La Sposa (2000)
KAHN Louis Four Freedoms Park (2012)
MAGRITTE René The Son of Man (1964)
CURTIS William J. R. Modern Architecture Since 1900 (1982)
MUOTO Technopole (2015)
KUNLE ADEYEMI NLÉ Makoko Floating School (2013)
TURNHEIM Max Architecture Will Divide (2017)
LÉVY Justine Histoire De Famille (2019)
PRESTON Yang Wang Forest (2017)
SANAA Moriyama Houses (2005)
BRATTON Benjamin New Perspectives – What’s Wrong with TED Talks? (2013)
DREIER FRENZEL Domesticité (2016)
DOGMA The Room of One’s Own (2017)
CHRIST & GANTENBEIN Pilgrim’s Column (2012)
VINOLY Raphael 432 Park Avenue (2015)
JOHNSON Philip Thesis House (1943)
CURTIS Adam Hypernormalisation (2016)
KEREZ Christian One Wall House (2007)
NOUVEL Jean, Atelier Jean Nouvel Grand Stade (1994)
MUOTO 23 Housing (2015)
SOUTO DE MOURA Eduardo Braga Municipal Stadium (2003)
GIGON GUYER Kirchner Museum (1992)
NARUSE INOKUMA Architects Nine Hours Capsule Hotel (2019)
ZUMTHOR Peter Zinc Mine Museum (2016)
HAO Karen What is AI? We drew you a flowchart to work it out (2018)
COBE Adidas Halftime (2018)
RAHM Philippe Spectral Light (2015)
KARAMUK KUO Thurgauerstrasse Primary School (2017)
ZEISCHEGG Walter The Nature Of Form Exhibition (2017)
BECHER Bernd, BECHER Hilla Water Tower (1965)
KRUGER Barbara Untitled (I shop therefore I am) (1987)
HERTZBERGER Herman Centraal Beheer Offices (1972)
SHIRRIFF Ken Mining Bitcoin With Pencil And Paper (2014)
LEWITT Sol Variations Of Incomplete Open Cubes (1974)
HUBERT-BRIERRE Xavier Baby chimp : learn of mirror progress (2014)
VAN DER ROHE Ludwig Mies Lake Shore Drive 860 & 880 Towers (1951)
LUMET Sidney 12 Angry Men (1957)
KEREZ Christian Social Housing In Paraisopolis (2014)
AMO, DE GRAAF Reiner Atlas (2002)
GALFETTI Aurelio Bagno Pubblico (1970)
TILL Jeremy Architecture Depends (2013)
GEERS Kersten, PANČEVAC Jelena, ZANDERIGO Andrea The difficult Whole : A Reference Book On Robert Venturi, John Rauch and Denise Scott Brown (2016)
KOOLHAAS Rem Interview With Index Magazine (2000)
SOULAGES Pierre Peinture 130×162 (1964)
USGS Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost (1997)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean-Philippe Place Léon Aucoc (1996)
WILKINSONEYRE Battersea Power Station (2017)
OTTO Frei Ökohaus (1987)
SPACEX Falcon Heavy Test Flight (2018)
HERTZBERGER Herman Citations (2013)
TABUCHI Eric Twentysix Abandoned Gasoline Stations (2010)
ATLAS OF PLACES Le Periph’ Fragments (2019)
TOYO ITO & ASSOCIATES National Taichung Theatre (2014)
NP2F École Du Cirque (2015)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Elbphilharmonie Hamburg (2017)
KEREZ Christian Lautschenbach School (2009)
MCLUHAN Marshall Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (1964)
CATTELAN Maurizio L.O.V.E (2010)
HITCHCOCK Alfred Rear Windows (1954)
FLAMMER Pascal Open Source Building (2000)
RODIN Auguste Le Penseur (1880)
GAY Catherine, MENZEL Götz Les Grands Glaciers 2 (2016)
VENTURI Robert, SCOTT BROWN Denise, IZENOUR Steven Learning From Las Vegas (1972)
VESKRNA Vojtech My Air Force (2015)
RAHM Philippe Architecture Météorologique (2009)
OMA Ministry Of Sound II (2015)
MOREL Philippe Quelques remarques sur les enjeux pour toute école d’architecture de la « (non)représentation » à l’ère du numérique (2012)
LACATON Anne, VASSAL Jean Philippe Cité Manifeste Dwellings (2005)
BURTYNSKY Edward Oil (2012)
BAUKUNST Structure And Gardens (2015)
BRAND Stewart How Buildings Learn (1994)
LVPH Pavillons 5.5 x 5.5 (2012)
ZYLINSKA Joanna, KEMBER Sarah Life After New Media : Mediation As A Vital Process (2012)
TVK Student Housing (2010)
MASERATI Thommaso The Fabrication of Evidence (2017)
PERRAULT Dominique Unimetal Urban Planning (1997)
PERRET Auguste Citation (1952)
MICROSOFT Research Team Human-Machine Interactions Experiments (2018)
XVW Architectuur, NL Architects DeFlat Kleiburg Renovation (2016)
PRICE Cedric Conference in London (1966)
SMITHSON Alison, SMITHSON Peter The Economist Plaza (1964)
CURNIER Romain, GRIGORESCU Adrien Hyperwwwork (2018)
ETH Studio Basel Switzerland, An Urban Portrait Vol. 1,2,3 (2006)
EAMES Charles, EAMES Ray Power Of Ten (1977)
TSCHUMI Bernard Fireworks At Parc De La Villette (1992)
HOUELLEBECQ Michel Approches Du Désarroi (1991)
MUOTO Groupe Scolaire (2018)
ANAND Julie, SAUER Damon Ground Truth (2016)
SUPERPOZE For We The Living (Deluxe) (2017)
DE RUIJTER Gerco Grid Corrections (2018)
GROTH Oliver The Internet Visualized (2012)
KOOLHAAS Rem My Thoughts On The Smart City (2014)
WALL Jeff Picture For Woman (1979)
FOUCAULT Michel L’Ordre Du Discours (1971)
BOUROULLEC Ronan, BOUROULLEC Erwan Disintegrated Kitchen (1998)
KUNDIG Tom Chicken Point Cabin (2002)
HERZOG & DE MEURON Goetz Collection Gallery (1992)
KOOLHAAS Rem, AMO, Harvard GSD Elements of Architecture (2018)
TSCHUMI Bernard Red Is Not A Color (2012)
NASA, JPL-Caltech, Space Science Institute Saturn from Cassini-Huygens (2015)
RPBW Château La Coste Art Gallery (2017)
ZAERA POLO Alejandro & FERNANDEZ ABASCAL Guillermo A Taxonomy of Emerging Architecture (2016)
BRUTHER St Blaise Cultural And Sport Center (2015)
Open AI Solving Rubik’s Cube with a Robot Hand (2019)
SANAA New Museum (2007)
FALA Atelier Office Photography (2013)
CLANET Céline Des Barrages et Des Hommes en Savoie (2011)
Apple Privacy on iPhone (2019)
BANHAM Reyner & DALLEGRET François Anatomy of a Dwelling (1965)
GURSKY Andreas Amazon (2016)
BAUKUH Xhezmy Delli (2005)
ALEXANDER Christopher De La Synthèse De La Forme (1964)
WALK Leo Isola (2017)
MUOTO Lieu de Vie (2016)
OFFICE Oases (2013)
NASA Apollo 11 Image Atlas (1969)
STUDIO KRUCKER BATES 101 Spring Street, Building Register Vol. IV (2019)
FIFE William Shamrock III (1903)
UNGERS Oswald Mathias, KOOLHAAS Rem The City In The City : Berlin : A Green Archpelago (1977)
BUCKMINSTER FULLER Richard Dymaxion World Map (1943)
SHAERER Philipp BildBauten (2016)
JENCKS Charles An Overview of 20th Century Architecture (2000)
CHIAMBARETTA Philippe Habiter l’Antropocène (2014)
KARAMUK KUO UNIL International Sports Sciences Institute (2018)
ARAVENA Alejandro, IACOBELLI Andres ELEMENTAL Incremental Housing And Participatory Design Manual (2016)
SATTLER Lea L’Ère Post-BIM, Pour Une Obsolescence Déprogrammée (2015)
OMA Très Grande Bibliothèque (1989)
KOOLHAAS Rem, MAU Bruce S,M,L,XL (1995)
NL Architects BasketBar (2003)