PLATFORM/REISER Jesse, UMEMOTO Nanako West Side Hudson Yard (1999)
PLATFORM / REISER Jesse, UMEMOTO Nanako West Side Hudson Yard (1999)

Cities are the nexus of material and informational flows, developed within multiple infrastructures of transportation, distribution, culture, and knowledge. The increasingly interconnected world has produced cities where global systems are intermeshed in local environments, and scale shifts rapidly from the local to the regional and international. As the locus of intense economic, social, and idea exchanges and connections at all levels, the city of the 21st century must support these vital urban interactions, and design new meeting, working, and entertainment environments. With this competition comes the opportunity to reinvent this site by transcending the separation and monofunctionality of many of its large infrastructural elements through a mode of operation we term ‘infrastructuralism.’ There are very real benefits – social and political as well as functional and economic – to the loosening of the stratification of infrastructure and activity in this area. It is at this level that we would operate to produce change in the form of the city.

Cities are the nexus of material and informational flows, developed within multiple infrastructures of transportation, distribution, culture, and knowledge. The increasingly interconnected world has produced cities where global systems are intermeshed in local environments, and scale shifts rapidly from the local to the regional and international. As the locus of intense economic, social, and idea exchanges and connections at all levels, the city of the 21st century must support these vital urban interactions, and design new meeting, working, and entertainment environments. With this competition comes the opportunity to reinvent this site by transcending the separation and monofunctionality of many of its large infrastructural elements through a mode of operation we term ‘infrastructuralism.’ There are very real benefits – social and political as well as functional and economic – to the loosening of the stratification of infrastructure and activity in this area. It is at this level that we would operate to produce change in the form of the city.